My Pinterest Problem

Often times I picture my future self-walking into a support group and saying: Hello, my name is Emily and I’m addicted to Pinterest. I’m serious. As a person who loves to create, it is literally my kryptonite when I have free time. I can spend hours looking at DIY’s, recipes, drawing inspiration, workouts I’ll never do, and everything else you can think of. But today I’ve been pondering if my “problem” is actually a problem, and I’ll tell you my reasons for why I think it’s really not.

First of all, Pinterest has saved me a ton of money. When I think back over the few years I’ve been active on the website I remember a lot of instances when I needed a quick fix, or a solution to those things that you just can’t avoid in everyday life. It has taught me that paint chips make great (free!) dorm decorations. How to get grease off your shirt when you spill lettuce wraps all over yourself. And even how to keep raspberries fresh for longer. It is my go-to when I run into an emergency or an annoyance.

Pinterest has also taught me a lot of “hacks” that come in handy throughout everyday life. For instance, did you know that mayonnaise will actually remove water stains from wooden furniture? I can tell you from experience that it comes in handy when you leave cold water on your grandmother’s Amish table for too long. But that’s not all! Toothpaste removes ink from your clothes, and putting your phone in airplane mode helps it charge a lot faster. These little things may seem insignificant, but when you need them they are quite handy.

Finally, Pinterest really helps me when I need inspiration. I consider myself an amateur artist, and I’m a graphic design major so that means that I’m always looking for references and things that simply make me think differently. This is the perfect platform for me to do just that. I can organize my finds into categories, I can scroll through any type of work that I want, and I can see everything that I like all together in one place. Anytime I need an idea, Pinterest is the first place I head. Drawing tutorials, photography, unique designs. I can find it all and tuck it away for when I need it most.

So there you have it, my justification for spending gobs amount of time on Pinterest. If you’ve never experienced it before I highly recommend you check it out. There’s anything you could ever imagine waiting for you, way more than I mentioned here. Movies, books, videos, clothes, sports, and that’s just scratching the surface. So go, pin to your heart’s delight.


  1. Omg yes I completely understand and support your Pinterest addiction, other than Snap Chat it's my favorite social media app! I use it all the time for outfit ideas and makeup tutorials :)

  2. Wow, I don't ever use Pinterest but because of this blog post I feel like I never have to, this post is so helpful, hah! I love that you tagged everything you mentioned as well. Keep up the good work!

  3. I never really use Pinterest, but you've pointed out a number of really good reasons why I should! I especially like all of the helpful examples that you included there with the links and everything; I might actually need those links someday! Embrace your addiction to Pinterest, because it definitely seems worthwhile!

  4. As a fellow Pinterest lover and DIY'er, I agree with you! I always consult Pinterest when I need a quick fix for something and it never seems to fail! I also love the fact that I can pin something and come back to it later when I need to. Although I end up pinning a lot of things that I never actually read... oops! Keep pinning, my friend! I will be right there with you!

  5. Hey Emily,

    I stumbled upon your post and just had to read it, since I am quite aware of all forms of Social Media, but Pinterest is really something I have never used. It seems that there is a whole world out there with solutions for everything, and a couple of useless (but funny) facts too.
    I will definitely look into it!
    You have a really nice style of writing, kept me interested throughout the paragraphs (and thats rare)


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