" This Is Us ” is a new show on NBC that has taken the world by storm. It follows the lives of a set of triplets who came together in a completely unconventional way. It premiered on Sept. 20 so you have plenty of time to catch up if you have not been following so far, and I have some reasons why you should. It is shockingly realistic No, I am not an actor, business person or in a set of multiples, but the characters in this show find a way to worm their way into your heart. Whether you see yourself in Kate and her weight struggles or in Randall’s attempts to fit in, this show deals with real life and you will reflect in at least one character. It draws you in and keeps you there My friends and I made a point to watch the premier of this show because the previews looked so good. By the end of the episode we were yelling at the TV, completely hooked on the story. Ever since that night we make a point to watch the new episode every week. The story line is s...