Still trying to catch'em all?

A few days ago I did something I never would have dreamed of this summer, I deleted Pokémon Go. It was a hard decision when I considered how many hours I had invested in it, but it was crashing too much to be worth my time. That got me thinking about what I have seen around campus since I got back. In the beginning of the summer I expected there to be people all over catching Pokémon and going to Pokéstops at ridiculous times but that is not what I have observed. So I decided to investigate to see if I am the only one who has decided to jump ship.

According to this article from “International Business Times,” I am not. As a matter of fact around 15 million less people are playing regularly. It is still extremely popular with about 30 million daily users, but that is a drastic drop compared to where that number was at the beginning of the summer. I am curious to find out from those around me if they are still playing or if they have chosen to abandon the game too.

Even though I do not have the app anymore, I am open to downloading it again if there is a big update. My main reasons for deleting it were the amount of space it took up and how much it crashed. I do not regret downloading it in the first place one bit. Honestly, there is a comfort in knowing that my account and progress is saved. It provided my friends and I a great way to get out and have fun over the summer, and it certainly helped me get my Fitbit steps in.

Although it is not as popular as it was, I believe that we have not heard everything we will from the game. All it will take is a good update and a little innovation for people get hooked again. Plus there will always be the faithful followers who have been playing Pokémon for years. Time will tell whether this will remain a fad or the next big thing in interactive applications.

Are you still an avid Pokémon Go user or have you given up the chase? Let me know in the poll on the right!


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