The Blue Highlighter: Edition 3

It is time again to pick up a few social media tips and tricks from “The Art of Social Media.” This will be the last installment of The Blue Highlighter since I will be moving on to my next textbook and I plan on switching to yellow. That being said, lets learn a little more about social media and the ways to use it effectively.

Chapter 11 shared a variety of tips that most people have never heard of and they might be a little surprising. The first is the ability to stylize text in Google+ posts. This adds drama and is easy to do. The commands are simple and easy to remember.

            Bold by adding asterisks on each side: *text*

            Use italics by adding an underscore on each side: _text_

            Strikethrough by adding a hyphen on each side: -text-

The next tip is effective for the workplace. LinkedIn is essential for anyone in the professional world. Since it is a more polished social media platform it is important that it reflects that. Leaving the generic “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” message is not very professional and should be updated. Since I started college I have heard numerous times how important LinkedIn is and this is a tip I will definitely take and use. It is more inviting and simply looks like more effort has been put into making it look good.

The easiest tip of the chapter would be the idea of tagging people in photos on Twitter. This helps increase engagement since everyone who is tagged is notified. Plus it does not take away from the 140 character count which most of the time does not seem like a lot. If getting retweets, quotes and likes is the goal, this tip is the one to use.

Hopefully these tips are easy to implement and help aid the journey to better, more effective social media. I will be ready to delve into more tricks next week.


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