The Modern Scrapbook

Facebook is the largest social media platform in existence. But this is probably not a shock to most people since it has over one billion users, it might even be where you found this blog. Have you ever thought of it as a party? How about a step further, a social scrapbook? Jason McDonald, the author of the “Social Media Marketing Workbook” explains his reasoning behind this.

Facebook is a 24/7 party in McDonald’s eyes because of the constant activity that goes on. At any point there is something is happening on anyone’s timeline (where everything is compiled for the user to see). It is a place for sharing, socializing and fun, very reminiscent of an actual party. But in reality, that party is turning into a digital scrapbook.

I have to admit, I hate scrapbooking. It takes so much time and effort and my perfectionist ways make me way too particular to get anything done without taking forever. That is why the idea of this digital scrapbook makes a lot of sense to me. Think about it, people share pictures of their life, their views and adventures all the time. It is the modern scrapbook, and the best part about it is that we are compiling it without even noticing. Photos, videos, articles, events and our lives are all compiled into one account. It has the benefits of a physical scrapbook and it is something we would all be doing anyway. Facebook Memories will even give us a small peak into their scrapbook daily with a list of the posts made on that date from the time we began posting.

Facebook is more than a social network, it is a social tool. It gives the world the ability to connect and share life. It is truly the modern scrapbook that keeps our individual histories.


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